#MENAISC2024 10th and 11th of September 2024 Hilton Hotel and Residences Riyadh, KSA

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Pioneering Force in the Technology Sector

At the heart of the GRC and technology sector, we are a team of seasoned consultants dedicated to building innovative solutions that empower businesses.

We don’t just meet your expectations - we redefine them, delivering tailored solutions that are both innovative and effective.

Decades of Expertise

With decades of expertise in software development for Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC), we deliver solutions that are both robust and adaptable. Our history of innovation in the tech sector ensures that our software meets the evolving needs of modern GRC practices.

Dynamic Team

Our dynamic team of software engineers, GRC experts, and innovators collaborates to create cutting-edge solutions. Their diverse skill sets and experiences drive the continuous improvement of our software, ensuring it addresses the latest challenges in GRC effectively.

Commitment to Quality

Quality is at the core of our software development process. We adhere to rigorous testing and best practices to ensure our GRC solutions are reliable, secure, and user-friendly, providing clients with confidence in their compliance and risk management capabilities.

Global Experience

Our global experience in delivering software solutions for GRC allows us to cater to a wide array of regulatory environments. We design our software to be versatile and adaptable, meeting the diverse compliance needs of businesses across different regions.

Revolutionary Solutions

We are dedicated to revolutionizing GRC through our innovative software solutions. By integrating advanced technologies like AI and machine learning, we provide tools that not only simplify compliance but also proactively manage risks, setting new standards in the industry.

Explore what sets us Apart from the Rest

Proactive problem-solvers, your trusted partner in achieving goals.


Driving Excellence with Passionate, Empowering Solutions.


OpenAI Integrated, Traditional Methods Redefined.


Data-Driven Decision Making.


Dedicated 24*7 Support Team.


Automated Control Monitoring.


Multi-Language Capability with Tailored Arabic Excellence.

Transforming GRC with Innovation, Embrace the Future of Compliance and Risk Management.

Explore Our Solutions

Dive into our tailored approaches, meticulously crafted to suit your specific needs and propel your business toward success with precision and expertise.

Governance Risk & Compliance (GRC)

Efficiently manage Compliance, Risk, and Governance through a unified platform, ensuring robust business integrity and seamless oversight.

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Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)

Experience the most powerful and comprehensive Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) solution, converting Risks into strategic opportunities with unmatched precision.

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Audit Management

Enhance your audit processes with our comprehensive tool that automates every step from planning to reporting, and includes automated follow-ups to ensure findings are addressed promptly, safeguarding your organization.

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Incident Management

Mitigate Risks to preempt incidents and meticulously address any occurrences with comprehensive reporting, thorough investigations, and root cause analyses, ensuring continuous improvement and non-recurrence.

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Business Continuity Management

Enhance your enterprise resilience with strategic Business Continuity Management, meticulously engineered to ensure operational persistence and swift restoration in disruptive scenarios.

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Crisis Management

Access unparalleled crisis management capabilities, ensuring rapid response and resilience in the face of unexpected challenges to safeguard your operations.

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Strategy Management

Enhance your audit processes with our comprehensive tool that automates every step from planning to reporting, and includes automated follow-ups to ensure findings are addressed promptly, safeguarding your organization.

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Uniform Standards & Legislative Guidelines

We simplify adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements

Revolutionizing Governance: AI-Driven Solutions for Adaptive Operations



Streamline operations, empower informed processes.



Seamless oversight: Monitoring, testing and mitigating Risks in control strategies.



Compliance excellence: Precision management for regulatory alignment.



Efficient Risk management: Streamlining the journey to resilience.


IT & Cyber Risk

Cyber resilience command: Strategically navigating IT and Cyber Risks.



Audit efficiency: Streamlined management for regulatory Compliance.


Policies & Procedures

Policies & procedures hub: Simplified management for seamless operations.



Strategic Execution: From Planning to achievement.



Incident Resilience: Managing Risk, Connecting, and Mitigating for Effective Control.


Document Management

Centralized storage and management of documents to ensure accuracy, accessibility, and security across your organization.


Business Continuity

Comprehensive planning and response strategies to maintain and restore business operations effectively during disruptions.


Built-in Library

Instant access to a wealth of templates, guidelines, and best practices to streamline your GRC processes.


Jethur's GRC application is a game-changer. It offers exceptional user-friendliness, a modern and fast interface, and outstanding support. The combination of creativity, rapid delivery, and clear communication makes the process seamless. We love the collaboration and the results. Highly recommended!

Technical Features

Dive into our tailored approaches, meticulously crafted to suit your specific needs and propel your business toward success with precision and expertise.

Advanced Security Measures

Secure your data with top-tier encryption, multi-factor authentication, and comprehensive security audits. Our platform features robust Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Single Sign-On (SSO) to streamline access and enhance security.

Seamless System Integration

Integrate effortlessly with Active Directory and various third-party applications like CRM, ERP, and HR systems, enhancing operational efficiency and data synchronization across your enterprise.

Comprehensive Compliance Tools

Ensure regulatory Compliance with extensive logging and audit trails that record every action and system event, providing the transparency needed for audits and Compliance checks.

Real-Time Data and Analytics

Make informed decisions faster with real-time data processing and dynamic dashboards. Our platform integrates with leading BI tools such as Tableau and Power BI for advanced data analysis and visualization.

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Discover why Jethur is the Choice for Leaders

Explore how Jethur optimizes Governance, Risk, and Compliance with AI-enhanced tools. Boost efficiency and culture